Design Studio, Spatial Investigations, “Arcadia”
The topic of the year’s studio was “ARCADIA” and it interconnected concepts such as locality and pastoralism with advanced design and visionary utopias. Inspired by this idea, we attempted our personal interpretation of the idyllic Arcadian world in modern reality. Twelve of the projects deriving from this process, were linked together in order to create a new symbol of Arcadia emerging ten elements that connect nature, history, myths and sensations. These ten elements that compose the final project of Nymphe are: Mines of DEI in Kozani, Salt crystals – structure, Tobacco cultivation, Greek Traditional dances, Traditional art of knitting (semedaki), Mercury’s Feathers, Natural landscape of Arcadia, Olive tree, Primitive hut and Hydraulis.
Nymphe came from the attachment of those ten projects under the common view of the symbol of Arcadia. By combining the forms and textures that emerged from the experimental quests of each one student on one corpus, that of the Nymphe. The sequence of forms was categorized according to the four elements of nature that follow one another on the vertical axis, with natural flow. Starting from the Earth with the toughest forms, continuing with Water and the most fluid textures, followed by the extinction that can be caused by the Fire ending to the ethereal forms that represent the element of the Air.
Nymphe, a unique column, an eternal symbol of Greek elegance, wisdom and stability, stands in the cave of Mercury, on the Kilini mountain, as a sanctuary for the emotional impasse of Phineas, the fiction of whom, was invented to express our concerns about the process toward mental and physical cleansing, that represents Arcadia for us. For the realization of the installation on a scale of 1:1, the model was studied and designed in advanced algorithmic programs such as Rhinoceros, Grasshopper, Maya and Zbrush. Then, contouring with upward dilution was applied on the 3D model, to be released by CNC and Laser Cut.
Project Team: Chasioti Eleni, Delithanasis Argiris, Drossou Daphne, Gardika Pinelopi, Goumenaki Paulline, Grammatopoulou Eleanna, Nikolopoulos Spyros, Pakalidis George-Vlasis, Parthenidou Eirini, Spyridi Ioanna, Strinopoulou Georgia, Valyraki Artemis
Supervised by: Anastasios Tellios
Nymphe came from the attachment of those ten projects under the common view of the symbol of Arcadia. By combining the forms and textures that emerged from the experimental quests of each one student on one corpus, that of the Nymphe. The sequence of forms was categorized according to the four elements of nature that follow one another on the vertical axis, with natural flow. Starting from the Earth with the toughest forms, continuing with Water and the most fluid textures, followed by the extinction that can be caused by the Fire ending to the ethereal forms that represent the element of the Air.
Nymphe, a unique column, an eternal symbol of Greek elegance, wisdom and stability, stands in the cave of Mercury, on the Kilini mountain, as a sanctuary for the emotional impasse of Phineas, the fiction of whom, was invented to express our concerns about the process toward mental and physical cleansing, that represents Arcadia for us. For the realization of the installation on a scale of 1:1, the model was studied and designed in advanced algorithmic programs such as Rhinoceros, Grasshopper, Maya and Zbrush. Then, contouring with upward dilution was applied on the 3D model, to be released by CNC and Laser Cut.
Project Team: Chasioti Eleni, Delithanasis Argiris, Drossou Daphne, Gardika Pinelopi, Goumenaki Paulline, Grammatopoulou Eleanna, Nikolopoulos Spyros, Pakalidis George-Vlasis, Parthenidou Eirini, Spyridi Ioanna, Strinopoulou Georgia, Valyraki Artemis
Supervised by: Anastasios Tellios
Nymph_auth_teaser from Giorgos Pakalidis on Vimeo.

This project has been exhibited at TAB Tallin's architecture bienale 2017 as part of the school
exhibition, at the Thessaloniki's International Trade Fair as part of the exhibition "90 years Aristotle University of Thessaloniki", at the "Researcher's Night" in Thessaloniki
organised by "CERTH" (Center for Research and Technology Hellas) and published at many local media.

George Vlasis Pakalidis, Copenhagen, 2024